Electronic HP Care Pack Premium+ Onsite Support with Telemetry, Defective Media Retention and Travel Coverage - Laajennettu palvelusopimus - osat ja työ - 5 vuotta - on-site - 9x5 - vasteaika STP malleihin EliteBook Ultra 14 G1i, 14 G1q, 14 G1q8; EliteBook X G1a, G1i; EliteBook X Flip G1i
HP Inc. - Tietokonepalveluvaihtoehdot - Electronic Care Pack Premium+ Onsite Support with Telemetry, Defective Media Retention and Travel Coverage
Tuotenumero: U85WHE
- Sopimusaika : 5 vuotta
- Vasteaika : Seuraava työpäivä
- Sijainti : On-site
- Premium+ Onsite Support with Telemetry, Defective Media Retention and Travel Coverage